Innovation is the key to Smarter Cities

New Inclusive Innovation Playbook

Smart Cities for All has launched its new Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities project with the support and strategic partnership of AT&T.

The goal of the Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities project is to infuse urban innovation ecosystems with a greater understanding of inclusion, accessibility, and disability. We believe we can both foster entrepreneurship and ensure that new smart city solutions and technologies are usable by all citizens.

The Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities project will convene leaders from government, industry, and disability organizations to generate new knowledge and tools that define how urban innovation ecosystems, including entrepreneurs, developers, incubators, accelerators, and venture capitalists can create more inclusive apps and technology solutions that impact the lives of all people in cities, including persons with disabilities and older persons.

As the first phase of the Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities project, we:

  • Survey incubators, accelerators, developers, entrepreneurs, disability and accessibility leaders, governments, technology companies, and venture capitalists to assess the current state of inclusive innovation and get perspective on how to address related challenges (September-December 2018)
  • Partnered with the cities of Chicago and New York and local innovation leaders to hold expert roundtable discussions on inclusive innovation in Smart Cities (October-November 2018)
  • Will interview international experts in innovation, inclusion, disability, smart city programs, and universal design for insights on how to both foster entrepreneurship and ensure that new smart city solutions and technologies are usable by all citizens (November 2018 – January 2019)
  • Will launch new Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities tools (Spring 2019)

Get Involved!

We invite you to join our Inclusive Innovation for Smarter Cities collaboration in two ways:

  • Take a short, 4-minute survey to share with us your insights on and objectives for inclusive innovation
  • Sign up to stay aware of the work we are doing on this new project – either through the survey above or by emailing us at [email protected]

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