Do smart cities have an accessibility problem?
As investment in so-called ‘smart’ cities gathers pace, is enough attention being paid to the accessibility needs of all citizens? As a student, the daily walk up London’s Exhibition Road, past its profusion of popular museums, was hindered by groups of tourists that stood four-abreast on the pavement, eager to learn more about the cretaceous […]
Las 10 ciudades ‘más inteligentes’ de América Latina
En 2016, Latinoamérica observó una mejora en la planeación estratégica urbana pero de acuerdo con el Índice Ciudades en Movimiento (CIMI por sus siglas en inglés), estas no son tan inteligentes como lo podrían ser. La primera ciudad inteligente de América Latina este año fue Buenos Aires, Argentina, con una calificación de 83 puntos, tres lugares por debajo de […]
Will Smart Cities Make Life Easier For Everyone?
By Kelly Vencill Sanchez – July 20, 2018 The Internet of Things has the power to make cities infinitely friendlier for seniors and people with disabilities. Alerts to nearby attractions you might enjoy; crosswalks that appear as needed; directions to the fastest way home during a big public event: If the first generation of smart […]
Seminário promove projetos que visam a inclusão digital
Evento “Novos Paradigmas em Acessibilidade Digital” vai reunir especialistas para alavancar o debate da cidadania online para portadores de deficiência De acordo com o secretário municipal da Pessoa com Deficiência, ainda é difícil encontrar sites que sejam completamente acessíveis. Fernanda Gütschow • São Paulo O Seminário “Novos Paradigmas em Acessibilidade Digital”, amanhã (19), promovido pela […]
ABES apoia Seminário “Novos Paradigmas em Acessibilidade de Digital”
ABES (Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Software) é uma das entidades apoiadoras do Seminário “Novos Paradigmas em Acessibilidade Digital”, que será realizado pela Secretaria Municipal da Pessoa com Deficiência de São Paulo (SMPED) no próximo dia 19 de junho, a partir das 14h, no InovaBra Habitat, na Consolação. “Projetos de inclusão digital cada vez mais […]
AI could help remove barriers for the disabled, UN conference hears
AI could support people with disabilities in many ways. Published: 14 June 2018 – 1:46 p.m. By: Mark Sutton AI could help remove barriers to people with disabilities from participating in their communities, a discussion group at the UN Conference on disabilities has heard. Dr. Victor Pineda and James Thurston of Smart Cities for All […]
AI could help remove barriers for the disabled, UN conference hears
UAE-sponsored discussion focused on how AI can help achieve SDGs for people with disabilities By Mark Sutton Published June 14, 2018 AI could help remove barriers to people with disabilities from participating in their communities, a discussion group at the UN Conference on disabilities has heard. Dr. Victor Pineda and James Thurston of Smart Cities […]
사회적 관점 녹아든 스마트 시티 필요
기술 빈부 격차 야기할 수도 있어 오래 시간 동안 도시의 모습은 끊임없이 변해왔다. 이러한 도시 모습 변화에는 기술 발달이 항상 동반해왔다. 기술을 도시에 적용하고자 하는 노력도 있었지만, 기술 혁신이 사람의 삶 속으로 스며들면서 자연스럽게 도시 모습을 변화하게 했다. 필자는 1차 산업혁명부터 4차 산업혁명까지의 도시 모습을 분석한 적이 있다. 이를 통해 도시의 모습이 기술로 인해 변화해온 […]
How Can Smart Cities Contribute to a More Inclusive Cloud?
How Can Smart Cities Contribute to a More Inclusive Cloud? A Cloud for Global Good: A roadmap to a trusted, responsible, and inclusive cloud Image Description: A group of kids huddle in the background. Text Foreground: “A Cloud for Global Good” The Opportunity Cloud computing offers significant benefits for people of all ages and abilities. It […]
Smart Cities for All Toolkit Now Available in Hebrew
International nonprofits G3ict and World Enabled, in partnership with Access Israel, recently announced that they will make the Smart Cities for All Digital Inclusion Toolkit available in Hebrew in addition to Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Marathi, Portuguese, and Spanish languages versions. “Access Israel is proud to be one of the leading organizations in […]
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