The toolkit contains four tools to help Smart Cities worldwide include a focus on ICT accessibility and the digital inclusion of persons with disabilities and older persons.
The toolkit supports a range of organizations and roles related to Smart Cities, including government managers, policy makers, IT professionals, disability advocates, procurement officials, technology suppliers, and developers who design Smart City apps and solutions.
Each of the tools addresses a priority challenge identified by global experts as a barrier to the digital inclusion of persons with disabilities and older persons in Smart Cities.
This short document provides a brief description of each of the four tools available for download below. In English
The objective of this Inclusive Innovation Playbook is to help cities, their partners, and stakeholders define inclusion as part of the technology innovation process and integrate it into urban innovation ecosystems (e.g. incubators, accelerators, investors, etc.). Other entities with an interest in both innovation and inclusion (e.g. universities, economic development zones, national governments, etc.) will also benefit from the Playbook.
Download the Inclusive Innovation Playbook for Smart Cities: In English
Accessible information and communications technology (ICT) standards are key to designing a more inclusive approach to Smart Cities. This guide provides an inventory of three key standards that define ICT accessibility criteria and presents a step-by-step checklist of impactful actions that leaders can take to ensure their city is familiar with these standards and utilizing them effectively to improve their city’s ICT accessibility.
Download the Guide to Implementing Priority ICT Accessibility Standards: In English
Smart Cities worldwide are uniquely positioned to use their considerable purchasing power, including of ICT, to advance the rights and digital inclusion of persons with disabilities and older persons. This guide helps cities adopt a policy that requires any ICT purchases be accessible to persons with disabilities and older persons. The guide showcases a model procurement policy and provides a step-by-step checklist for adopting it.
Download the Guide to Adopting an ICT Accessibility Procurement Policy: In English
One of the biggest challenges to creating more inclusive Smart Cities is raising awareness of disability and ICT accessibility. This tool is designed to help effectively communicate the advantages of incorporating ICT accessibility into a city’s digital services. It provides the business, human rights, and technical arguments for a stronger commitment to the digital inclusion of persons with disabilities. It can be used to help communicate to a variety of stakeholders the idea that a Smart City must also be an accessible city.
Download Communicating the Case for Stronger Commitment to Digital Inclusion in Cities: In English
Smart Cities that incorporate ICT accessibility into their programs and solutions can deliver enormous benefits for citizens with disabilities, older citizens, and the population as a whole. This tool is being designed to showcase existing products and solutions that can be deployed by Smart Cities to positively impact citizens in critical areas, such as independent living, public safety, transportation, employment, and online public services. The database is being launched in Alpha version, including a proof of concept, roadmap for testing, examples of the more than 350 solutions currently in the database, and a call to action to continue growing the database as we move it to Beta version.
Download the Database of Solutions for Digital Inclusion in Cities (Alpha version): In English