Projeto rastreia calçadas para criar mapas de acessibilidade
Iniciativa internacional envolve Universidade de Washington e a Microsoft, além de cinco cidades do mundo, entre elas São Paulo. Meta é criar mapas de acessibilidade.As cidades e localidades de Quito (Equador), Valparaíso (Chile), Providência (Santiago, Chile), Los Angeles (EUA), e São Paulo, no Brasil, foram...
Students are Involved in the AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks project in Quito, Ecuador
Klever Rojas, David Bustamante, Martín Rivera, Paula Del Salto and Biandona Recalde are the students, who have been actively involved in the AI for Inclusive Urban Sidewalks project in Quito, Ecuador. In this interview they share their experience and talk about the value and importance...
Los estudiantes están involucrados en el proyecto de Inteligencia Artificial para Veredas Urbanas Inclusivas en Quito, Ecuador
Klever Rojas, David Bustamante, Martín Rivera, Paula Del Salto y Biandona Recalde son los estudiantes que han estado activamente involucrados en el proyecto de Inteligencia Artificial para Veredas Urbanas Inclusivas (Inclusive Urban Sidewalks) en Quito, Ecuador. En esta entrevista, comparten su experiencia y nos platican...
G3ict/Smart Cities for All Country Advisory Network Names Four New Country Advisors
The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs, through its Smart Cities for All (SC4A) Initiative, welcomes the appointment of four new Country Advisors to promote in countries around the world the goals and objectives of G3ict, SC4A, and the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). ATLANTA…
A Importânciada Acessibilidade nas Calçad
De Tuca Munhoz - Consultor especializado em acessibilidade, ativista pelos direitos das pessoas com deficiência de São Paulo. Muito honrado em receber o convite para escrever este pequeno texto sobre a importância da acessibilidade nas calçadas, tema, muito falado, muito debatido, mas, infelizmente, com baixíssima...
The Importance of Accessibility on Sidewalks
By Tuca Munhoz - Accessibility Consultant, activist for the rights of people with disabilities in São Paulo. I was greatly honored by the invitation to write this short text about the importance of accessibility on sidewalks, a much talked about and debated topic, but unfortunately,...
Accessible Sidewalks Project in Valparaiso, Chile
Joaquín Rodriguez Joaquín Rodriguez is 19 years of age and is currently studying Administration and People Management Engineering. He lives in Quilpué city, in the Valparaíso region, and actively participates in mapping the accessible sidewalks project. Joaquin is visually impaired. Ever since I heard about the accessible...
Proyecto Veredas Accesibles en Valparaíso, Chile
Joaquín Rodriguez Joaquín Rodriguez tiene 19 años y estudia Ingeniería en Administración y Gestión de personas. Él vive en la ciudad de Quilpué en la región de Valparaíso y participa activamente en el mapeo para el proyecto de veredas accesibles. Joaquín tiene discapacidad visual. Desde que conocí...
Inclusive Urban Sidewalks in São Paulo
Roberta Consentino Kronka Mülfarth – Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of São Paulo (FAU - USP) The pandemic state declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020, due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, better known as...
Aceras accesibles e incluyentes en Quito, Ecuador
De Diana Suasnavas Barrera, Técnica Educativa en Fundación Museos de la Ciudad Aceras accesibles e incluyentes significan un giro de 360° en la movilidad de nosotres las personas con discapacidad. Nada como disfrutar de la autonomía e independencia al desplazarnos - caminar ágilmente y de...
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